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- Arrived December 3rd - December 9th, 2018
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- Arrived November 12th - November 18th, 2018
- Arrived November 5th - November 11th, 2018
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- Arrived October 8th - October 14th, 2018
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- Arrived September 17th - September 23rd, 2018
- Arrived September 10th - September 16th, 2018
- Arrived September 3rd - September 9th, 2018
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- Arrived July 2nd - July 8th, 2018
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- Arrived April 9th - April 15th, 2018
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- Arrived February 12th - February 18th, 2018
- Arrived February 5th - February 11th, 2018
- Arrived January 22nd - February 4th, 2018
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- Arrived January 8th - January 14th, 2018
- Arrived January 1st - January 7th, 2018
- Arrived December 25th - December 31st, 2017
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- Arrived December 11th - December 17th, 2017
- Arrived November 27th - December 10th, 2017
- Arrived November 20th - November 26th, 2017
- Arrived November 13th - November 19th, 2017
- Arrived November 6th - November 12th, 2017
- Arrived October 30th - November 5th, 2017
- Arrived October 23rd - October 29th, 2017
- Arrived October 16th - October 22nd, 2017
- Arrived October 2nd - October 15th, 2017
- Arrived September 25th - October 1st, 2017
- Arrived September 18th - September 24th, 2017
- Arrived September 4th - September 17th, 2017
- Arrived August 28th - September 3rd, 2017
- Arrived August 21th - August 27th, 2017
- Arrived August 14th - August 20th, 2017
- Arrived August 7th - August 13th, 2017
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- Arrived May 15th - May 21st, 2017
- Arrived May 8th - May 14th, 2017
- Arrived April 24th - May 7th, 2017
- Arrived April 17th - April 23rd, 2017
- Arrived April 10th - April 16th, 2017
- Arrived April 3rd - April 9th, 2017
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- Arrived March 20th - March 26th, 2017
- Arrived March 13th - March 19th, 2017
- Arrived March 6th - March 12th, 2017
- Arrived February 27th - March 5th, 2017
- Arrived February 20th - February 26th, 2017
- Arrived February 13th - February 19th, 2017
- Arrived February 6th - February 12th, 2017
- Arrived January 30th - February 5th, 2017
- Arrived January 23rd - January 29th, 2017
- Arrived January 16th - January 22nd, 2017
- Arrived January 2nd - January 15th, 2017
- Arrived December 26th - January 1st, 2017
- Arrived December 19th - December 25th, 2016
- Arrived December 5th - December 11th, 2016
- Arrived November 28th - December 4th, 2016
- Arrived November 21st - November 27th, 2016
- Arrived November 14th - November 20th, 2016
- Arrived November 7th - November 13th, 2016
- Arrived October 31st - November 6th, 2016
- Arrived October 17th - October 30th, 2016
- Arrived October 10th - October 16th, 2016
- Arrived October 3rd - October 9th, 2016
- Arrived September 26th - October 2nd, 2016
- Arrived September 19th - September 25th, 2016
- Arrived September 12th - September 18th, 2016
- Arrived September 5th - September 11th, 2016
- Arrived August 29th - September 4th, 2016
- Arrived August 22nd - August 28th, 2016
- Arrived August 15th - August 21st, 2016
- Arrived August 8th - August 14th, 2016
- Arrived August 1st - August 7th, 2016
- Arrived July 25th - July 31st, 2016
- Arrived July 18th - July 24th, 2016
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- Arrived June 20th - June 26th, 2016
- Arrived June 13th - June 19th, 2016
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- Arrived May 16th - May 22nd, 2016
- Arrived May 9th - May 15th, 2016
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- Arrived April 25th - May 1st, 2016
- Arrived April 19th - April 24th, 2016
- Arrived March 28th - April 3rd, 2016
- Arrived March 21st - March 27th, 2016
- Arrived March 14th - March 20th, 2016
- Arrived March 7th - March 13th, 2016
- Arrived February 29th - March 6th, 2016
- Arrived February 22nd - February 28th, 2016
- Arrived February 15th - February 21st, 2016
- Arrived February 1st - February 14th, 2016
- Arrived January 18th - January 31st, 2016
- Arrived January 11th - January 17th, 2016
- Arrived January 4th - January 10th, 2016
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- Arrived December 7th - December 13th, 2015
- Arrived November 30th - December 6th, 2015
- Arrived November 23rd - November 29th, 2015
- Arrived November 16th - November 22nd, 2015
- Arrived November 9th - November 15th, 2015
- Arrived November 2nd - November 8th, 2015
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- Arrived October 5th - October 18th, 2015
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- Arrived August 24th - August 30th, 2015
- Arrived August 17th - August 23rd, 2015
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- Arrived April 6th - April 12th 2015
- Arrived March 30th - April 5th 2015
- Arrived March 23rd - March 29th 2015
- Arrived March 16th - March 22nd 2015
- Arrived March 9th - March 15th 2015
- Arrived February 23rd - March 8th 2015
- Arrived February 16th - February 22nd 2015
- Arrived February 9th - February 15th 2015
- Arrived January 26th - February 8th 2015
- Arrived January 19th - January 25th 2015
- Arrived January 12th - January 18th 2015
- Arrived January 5th - January 11th 2015
- Arrived December 29th - January 4th 2015
- Arrived December 22nd - December 28th 2014
- Arrived December 15th - December 21st 2014
- Arrived December 1st - November 14th, 2014
- Arrived November 24th - November 30th, 2014
- Arrived November 17th - November 23rd, 2014
- Arrived November 3rd - November 16th, 2014
- Arrived October 27th - November 2nd, 2014
- Arrived October 20th - 26th, 2014
- Arrived August 25th through October 19th, 2014
- Arrived August 24th, 2014
- Arrive week of August 17th, 2014
- Arrived week of August 10th, 2014
- Arrived week of August 3rd, 2014
- Arrived week of July 27th, 2014
- Arrived week of July 20th, 2014
- Arrived week of July 13th, 2014
- Arrived week of July 6th, 2014
- Arrived week of June 29th, 2014
- Arrived week of June 22nd, 2014
- Arrived week of June 15th, 2014
- Arrived week of June 8th, 2014
- Arrived week of June 1st, 2014
- Arrived week of May 24th, 2014
- Arrived week of May 18th, 2014
- Arrived week of May 11th, 2014
- Arrived week of May 4th, 2014
- Arrived week of April 27th, 2014
- Arrived week of April 20th, 2014
- Arrived week of April 13th, 2014
- Arrived week of April 6th, 2014
- Arrived week of March 30th, 2014
- Arrived week of March 23rd, 2014
- Arrived week of March 16th, 2014
- Arrived week of March 9th, 2014
- Arrived week of March 2nd, 2014
- Arrived week of February 23rd, 2014
- Arrive week of February 16th, 2014
- Arrived week of February 9th, 2014
- Arrived week of February 2nd, 2014
- Arrived January 2014
- Arrived week of December 29th, 2013
- Arrived week of December 22nd, 2013
- Arrived week of December 15th, 2013
- Arrived week of December 8th, 2013
- Arrived week of December 1st, 2013
Audio, Video & Apparel
- #
- A Place To Bury Strangers
- A Ritual Sea
- A-Ha
- A-X-Amun
- A;Grumh
- Aaimon
- ABS6
- Absolute Body Control
- Absurd Minds
- Abu Nein
- Access to Arasaka
- Accessory
- Accolade
- Acretongue
- Actors
- Acylum
- Ad:key
- Adam Tristar
- Adam-X
- Adeonesis
- Adrian H and the Wounds
- Adult
- Aeon Rings
- Aeon Sable
- Aesthetic Perfection
- Aesthetische
- African Head Charge
- African Imperial Wizard
- Agent Side Grinder
- Agnes Circle, The
- Agonoize
- Ah Cama-Sotz
- Aiboforcen
- Aidan Baker
- Ain Soph
- Ain Soph Aur
- Aircrash Bureau
- Ajna
- Akalotz
- Alan Vega
- Alec Empire
- Aleister Crowley
- Alejandro Jodorowsky
- Alessandro Cortini
- Alex Braun
- Alexander Hacke
- Ali Campbell
- Alice Gift
- Alien Produkt
- Alien Sex Fiend
- Alien Vampires
- Alio Die
- Alio Die & Dirk Serries
- Alio Die & Lorenzo Montana
- Alison Moyet
- All My Faith Lost
- Allseits
- Alphavox
- Alter Der Ruine
- AlterRed
- AM Inc.
- Am Tierpark
- Am'Ganesha'n
- Am.Psych
- Amanda Palmer
- Amanda Palmer & Neil Gaiman
- Ambassador21
- Amber Arcades
- Amduscia
- Amgod
- Amnistia
- An Hedonia
- Anadyr
- Ananda Nidra
- Anarchotech
- Anatoly Grinberg
- Anatoly Grinberg and Mark Spybey
- Ancient Methods
- And Also The Trees
- And One
- And Void
- Andrew Leman/Fabio Frizzi
- Andrew Liles
- Anenzephalia
- Angel's Arcana
- Angelo Badalamenti
- Angels & Agony
- Angels Of Liberty
- Angels of Light
- Angels on Acid
- Angelspit
- Angelspit & Ice Planet 9000
- Anika
- Anima Nostra
- Anix, The
- Anne Clark
- Anne Marie
- Annie Anxiety
- Antipole
- Anton LaVey
- Antony & The Johnsons
- Antythesys
- Anum Preto
- Any Second
- Aphelion
- Aphex Twin
- Apocalyptica
- Apoptygma Berzerk
- Aqualite
- Arbeit & Spaccamonti
- Arcana
- Arcanta
- Area
- Areu Areu
- Argine
- Arian 1
- Armageddon Dildos
- Arms Of Someone New, The
- Army of the Universe
- Arogya
- As Lonely As Dave Bowman
- Asche
- Ascii Disko
- Ash Code
- Ashbury Heights
- Ashram
- Ashtoreth
- Asleep By Dawn Magazine Presents
- Asmus Tietchens
- Asp
- Aspect Noir
- Assemblage 23
- Asseptic Room
- Astari Nite
- Ataraxia
- Atari Teenage Riot
- Atomic Neon
- Atomine Elektrine
- Atonalist
- Atrax Morgue
- Atrium Animae
- Atrium Carceri
- Atrium Carceri & Eldar
- Atropine
- Attrition
- Audiocall
- Auditor
- Auger
- Augustus Pablo
- Aun
- Aural Rage
- Aurelio Voltaire
- Autechre
- Author & Punisher
- Autoclav1.1
- Autodafeh
- Autopsia
- Autum Tears/Zeresh
- Autumn Tears
- Autumn's Grey Solace
- Avalist
- Avarice In Audio
- Aviador Dro
- Awen
- Axodry
- Ayria
- Azaghal
- Azam Ali
- Azar Swan
- Azoic, The
- Primitive Evolution, A
- B.J. Nilsen
- Baby Dee
- Babyland
- Babylonia
- Bacio di Tosca
- Bal Pare
- Bamboo Knock At XI O'Clock
- Barry Adamson
- Basil Poledouris
- Basnia
- Batboner
- Bauhaus
- Be My Enemy
- Beach House
- Beautiful Leopard
- Beauty Of Gemina
- Beborn Beton
- Beckahesten
- Bedless Bones
- Behind the Scenes
- Bel Canto
- Bella Morte
- Ben Lukas Boysen
- Beograd
- Berlin Babylon
- Bernard Herrmann
- Bestial Mouths
- Bestias De Asalto
- Beta Evers
- Beyond Obsession
- Beyond Sensory Experience
- BhamBhamHara
- Big Electric Cat
- Bill Laswell
- Bill Leeb
- Binary Park
- Biosphere
- Bipol
- Birch Book
- Birthday Massacre, The
- Birthday Party, The
- Bitcrush
- Bjork
- Black Earth
- Black Heaven
- Black Heroin Gallery
- Black Lung
- Black Marble
- Black Nail Cabaret
- Black Rain/Noitekk Records
- Black Sun Dreamer
- Black Tape For A Blue Girl
- Black Veils, The
- Blackcarburning
- Blackmore's Night
- BlakOPz
- Blanck Mass
- Blancmange
- Bleak Race
- Bleeding Corp
- Bleib Modern
- Blind Channel
- Blind Delon
- Blind Seagull
- Blitzmaschine
- Blixa Bargeld
- Blood Axis
- Blood Axis / Les Joyaux De...
- Blood Duster
- Blood Handsome
- Bloodred Hourglass
- Bloody Dead And Sexy
- Bloodygrave & Die Lust
- Blue Hour, The
- Blue Images
- Bluebeard's Castle, The
- Blush Response
- Blutengel
- Boards of Canada
- Bobby Beausoleil
- Body Of Light
- Body, The
- Boethiah
- Bola
- Bonini Bulga
- Book Of Love
- Bootblacks
- Borghesia
- Bornless Fire
- Box, The
- Boxed Warning
- Boy Harsher
- Boyd Rice
- Boytronic
- Bragolin
- Brain Leisure
- Brian Eno
- Brides Of The Black Room, The
- Brigade Enzephalon
- Brigade Rosse
- Brigade Werther
- Brigitte Handley
- Brittany Bindrim
- Broadcast
- Broken Nails
- Broken Up
- Bruderschaft
- Bruno Nicolai
- Bug, The
- Burial Hex
- Burning Gates
- Buzz Kull
- Byron Metcalf
- C-Drone Defect
- C-Lekktor
- C-Tec
- Cabaret Voltaire
- Caldon Glover
- Calitys
- Calva Y Nada
- Camerata Mediolanense
- Camlann
- Camouflage
- Can
- Canaan
- Canadian Electronic Ensemble
- Candelabre
- Carbon Based Lifeforms
- Cardinal Noire
- Carfax Abbey
- Carla Dal Forno
- Carlo Onda
- Carlo Rustichelli
- Carlos Peron
- Carmine Capobianco
- Carpenter Brut
- Carrellee
- Carter Tutti
- Carter Tutti Void
- Cassandra Complex, The
- Casualty Park
- Cat Rapes Dog
- Cauda Pavonis
- Caul
- Caustic
- Celluloid Mata
- Celluloide
- Cemetary Girlz, The
- Cenizas
- Cenotype
- Centhron
- Cephalgy
- Certain Ratio, A
- Cerulean Veins
- Cervello Elettronico
- Cesium 137
- Cetu Javu
- Cevin Key
- Chaigidel & Neraterrae
- Chainreactor
- Chameleons Vox
- Chameleons, The
- Chandeen
- ChaosZ
- Charlatans UK, The
- Charles Bernstein
- Chelsea Wolfe
- Chemical Brothers
- Chemlab
- Chiasm
- Chiasm And John Fryer
- Child Of Night
- Children On Stun
- Chiron
- Choir Boy
- Chris & Cosey
- Chris Bozzone
- Chris Carter
- Chris Connelly
- Chris Randall
- Chrisallys
- Christabel Dreams
- Christian Death
- Christoph de Babalon
- Christoph Schauer
- Christopher Young
- Chrom
- Chrome Corpse
- Chrysalide
- Chuck Van Zyl
- Cindergarden
- Cindytalk
- Circuito Cerrado
- Circumpolar
- City Gates, The
- Claire Voyant
- Clan of Xymox
- Claudio Simonetti
- Click Click
- Clicks
- Client
- Clock DVA
- Clone Culture
- Closed Mouth
- Cluster
- Cluster & Eno
- Clustersun
- Cober Ord
- Cocksure
- Cocteau Twins
- Code 64
- Coh
- Coil
- Coil / Nine Inch Nails
- Cold Cave
- Cold Field, The
- Cold Showers
- Coldkill
- Collection D'Arnell Andrea
- Collide
- Colony 5
- Coma Alliance
- Combat Voice
- Combichrist
- Coming Back To You
- Common Eider, King Eider
- Concrete Mascara
- Conjecture
- Conjure One
- Conny Plank
- Consolidated
- Contagious Orgasm
- Contagious Orgasm & Dirk Geiger
- Control
- Control / Genevieve Pasquier / Kommando
- Control Room
- Controlled Death
- Converge & Chelsea Wolfe
- Cop Shoot Cop
- Coph Nia
- Corde Oblique
- Corlyx
- Corrections
- Corvus Corax
- Cosey Fanni Tutti
- Coum Transmissions
- Covenant
- Coventry, The
- Cranes
- Creux Lies
- Cronos Titan
- Croy
- Cruciform Injection
- Crush Of Souls
- Cruxshadows, The
- Crying Vessel
- Cryo
- Cubanate
- Cubic
- Cult Of Alia
- Cult of Youth
- Culture Kultur
- Cure, The
- Current 93
- Curse All Kings
- Curse Mackey
- Curses
- Cut Hands
- Cyaegha
- Cyanotic
- Cyberaktif
- Cyclobe
- Cyclone B
- Cyferdyne
- Cygnosic
- Cymbaline
- Cynical Existence
- Cyto
- Daemon Grey
- Daft Punk
- Dageist
- Dagmar Gertot
- Daily Planet
- Damned, The
- Damon Wild
- Dance or Die
- Dance With The Dead
- Daniel B. Prothese
- Daniel Blumberg
- Daniel Menche
- Daniel Myer
- Danny Elfman
- Danse Society, The
- Dark
- Dark Ages
- Dark Door
- Dark Princess
- Dark Sanctuary
- Darkmen
- Darkness On Demand
- Darkswoon
- Darkwood
- Das Ich
- Das Werk
- Data Void
- Datapop
- Daughters
- Davantage
- Dave Ball / Jon Savage
- Dave Gahan
- Davey Suicide
- David Alexander Hess
- David Bowie
- David E. Williams
- David J.
- David Lynch
- David Tibet
- David Warner/Bleak December
- Dawn & Dusk Entwined
- Dawn of Ashes
- Daylight Dies
- DB2
- De/Vision
- Dead
- Dead Astronauts
- Dead Can Dance
- Dead Hand Projekt
- Dead Inside
- Dead Lights
- Dead Man Recovering
- Dead Man's Hill
- Dead Voices on Air
- Dead When I Found Her
- Deadfly Ensemble, The
- Deadjump
- Deadly Injection
- Deadstar Assembly
- Dear Deer
- Death Bells
- Death in June
- Death in Rome
- Death of Lovers
- Deathcamp Project
- Deathtrippers
- Decent Ruins
- Decoded Feedback
- Deconbrio
- Decree
- Deep Down Wise
- Deine Lakaien
- Dekad
- Delerium
- Delphine Coma
- Deluxxe
- Den Sorte Dod
- Denergized
- Dennis McCarthy
- Dennis Michael Tenney
- Denuit
- Depeche Mode
- Der Blaue Reiter
- Der Blutharsch
- Derniere Volonte
- Desert Mountain Tribe
- Desiderii Marginis
- Desireless
- Destin Fragile
- Destroid
- Destroying Angel
- Det Katterska Forbund
- Detroit Diesel
- Deutsch Nepal
- Devil and the Universe, The
- Devo
- Diaf
- Diamanda Galas
- Diamond Dog
- Diary of Dreams
- Diavol Strain
- Die Braut
- Die Form
- Die Klute
- Die Krupps
- Die Sektor
- Die Verbannten Kinder Evas
- Diffuzion
- Digital Energy
- Digital Factor
- Dim Lights
- Diorama
- Dirk Da Davo
- Dirk Serries
- Dismantled
- Displacer
- Disreflect
- Distorted Memory
- District 13
- Dive
- Dive vs. Diskonnekted
- Diverje
- DJ Ferret
- Doctors, The
- Dodsmaskin
- Dogtablet
- Dolls of Pain
- Don Peake
- Dope Stars Inc.
- Doric
- Dorsetshire
- Double Echo
- Doubting Thomas
- Doug Timm
- Douglas J. McCarthy
- Douglas Pipes
- Down In June
- Download
- Drab Majesty
- Dread
- Dream Invasion
- Dreaming, The
- Dreamside, The
- Dresden Dolls
- Dreuhnigheit
- Drew McDowall
- Drool
- Drumcorps
- Dryft
- Dub Syndicate
- Ductape
- Dulce Liquido
- Dunkelwerk
- Dupont
- DV8R
- E-Craft
- E.S.R.
- Echo & The Bunnymen
- Echo Image
- Echo West
- Echoberyl
- Echoes Of Silence
- Eco
- Eden
- Eden Synthetic Corps
- Edge of Dawn
- Edgey
- Edward Ka-Spel
- Ego Likeness
- Einsturzende Neubauten
- Eisbrecher
- Eisenherz
- Eisfabrik
- Eisheilig
- El Corte
- El Deux & Frische Farbe
- El Ojo Y La Navaja
- Elane
- Electric Golem, The
- Electric Hellfire Club
- Electric Sewer Age
- Electric Six
- Electro Spectre
- Electro Synthetic Rebellion
- Electrovot
- Elegant Machinery
- Elegia
- Elektroklange
- Elektrostaub
- Elend
- Elliot Goldenthal
- Elvis De Sade
- Emigrate
- Emilie Autumn
- Emily Kinski's Dead
- Empath, The
- Empathy Test
- Empirion
- Empusae
- En Esch
- Encephalon
- End
- Endanger
- Endelos
- Ending Nights, The
- Enduser
- English Beat, The
- Enigma
- Enmity
- Ennio Morricone
- Entrzelle
- Epinephrin
- Epsilon Minus
- Equinoxious
- Erasure
- Erdling
- Eric De Vries
- Eric Serra
- Erik Wollo
- ES23
- Escalator
- Escape With Romeo
- Esplendor Geometrico
- Essence of Mind
- Estampie
- Eternal Afflict, The
- Euringer
- European Ghost
- Eurythmics
- Eva O
- Evanescence
- Every Silver Lining Has A Cloud
- Everything Goes Cold
- Evil's Toy
- Evo-Lution
- Excessive Force
- Executive Slacks
- Exfeind
- Exploding Boy, The
- Extinction Front
- Extize
- Eye Steal
- Eyeless In Gaza
- EyeScream
- F.ormal L.ogic D.ecay
- Fabio Frizzi
- FabrikC
- Fad Gadget
- Faith & The Muse
- Falco
- Fall Shock
- Fatal Morgana
- Faun
- Faust
- Fazerdaze
- Fear Factory
- Fear Falls Burning
- Fear of Domination
- Fearing
- Featured
- Felix Marc
- Fennesz
- Ferrochrome
- Fever Ray
- FGFC820
- Fictional
- Fields Of The Nephilim
- Filter
- Final Selection
- Finkseye
- Firm Incorporated, The
- First Aid 4 Souls
- Fischerspooner
- Fix8:Sed8
- Fixion
- Fjernlys
- Flash Bastard
- Flesh Field
- Fliehende Sturme
- Flint Glass
- Floating World, The
- Flower Of Sin
- Flu, The
- FM Einheit
- Foetus
- Folkstorm
- Force Dimension, The
- Foreign Resort, The
- Foretaste
- Forever Grey
- Forrest Fang
- Fotocrime
- Fractal Age
- Fractured
- Fragrance
- Frame of Mind
- Francesco Banchini/Louisa John-Krol/Lys
- Franco Micalizzi
- Frank Beissel & Steve Roach
- Frank Riggio
- Frank The Baptist
- Freakangel
- Fred Myrow & Malcolm Seagrave
- Fredrik Klingwall
- French Police
- Frett
- Frl. Linientreu
- Front 242
- Front Line Assembly
- Frontier Guards
- Frozen Autumn, The
- Frozen Plasma
- Full Contact 69
- Fumio Hayasaka
- Funeral Warehouse, The
- Funerary Call
- Funker Vogt
- Fusspils 11
- Future Lied To Us
- Future Sound Of London
- Gabi Delgado (D.A.F.)
- Gabor Szabo
- Gackt
- Gang of Four
- Garbage
- Garden of Delight, The
- Gary Numan
- Gas
- Gatto Nero
- Gecko Sector
- Geinoh Yamashirogumi
- Geist
- Geistform
- Gen-ZX
- GenCAB
- Genesis P-Orridge
- Genetic Selection
- Genevieve Pasquier
- Genitorturers
- Genocide Organ
- Gentleman Junkie
- Geometric Vision
- Getting The Fear
- Gggolddd
- Ghost & Writer
- Ghost // Signals
- Ghost of Lemora
- Ghost Twin
- Ghosting
- Giant Waves
- Gin Devo
- Ginger Snap5
- Ginormous
- Girls Under Glass
- Gitane Demone
- Gitane Demone Quartet
- Giuliano Sorgini
- Gjoll
- Glass Apple Bonzai
- Glass Beads
- Glassgod
- Glis
- Global Citizen
- Glove, The
- Gnawed
- Gnostic Gorilla
- Goblin
- God Body Disconnect
- God Is God
- God Module
- God's Own Medicine
- Godfathers, The
- Godflesh
- Godspeed You Black Emperor
- Godwin Point
- Gold
- Golden Apes
- Gost
- Gothminister
- Gotterdammerung
- Graeme Revell
- Grandchaos
- Grande Loge
- Grausame Tochter
- Grendel
- Grey Gallows
- Grey Wolves, The
- Greyhound
- Grim
- Grinderman
- Groovenom
- Ground Nero
- Guignol
- Guilt Trip
- Gunmaker
- Gunship
- Gus Russo
- Gustaf Hildebrand
- Hackedepicciotto
- Hada
- Hadewych
- Haggard
- Hall of Mirrors
- Hallows
- Halo Effect
- Halo In Reverse
- Hammershoi
- Hanging Freud
- Hante.
- Hanzel Und Gretyl
- Hapax
- Harm Joy
- Harms & Kapelle
- Harry Manfredini
- Harry Robinson
- Harsh Symmetry
- Hateful Chains
- Haujobb
- Haus Am Rand
- Haus Arafna
- Haushetaere
- Havan
- Headdreamer
- Headless Nameless
- Health
- Heart of Black Science
- Heaven 17
- Heaven Process
- Hecq
- Heimataerde
- Hekate
- Helalyn Flowers
- Helix
- Helm, The
- Henri Junjo Lawes
- Henric de la Cour
- Herbst9
- Herr Lounge Corps & Cadaverous Condition
- HerrNia
- Herumor
- Herz Juhning
- Herzegovina
- Herzschlag
- Hex Rx
- Hexheart
- Hezzel
- Hide
- Hide & Seek
- High On Fire
- High Vis
- High-Functioning Flesh
- Hilt
- Hiro Kone
- Hocico
- Hologram_
- Holygram
- Hord
- Hordak
- House Of Harm
- House Of Usher, The
- Howard Shore
- Hula
- Human
- Human Decay
- Human League
- Human Voice, The
- Huminoida
- Hunting Lodge
- Hybryds
- Hydrone
- Hyios
- Hysteresis
- I-M-R
- I:Scintilla
- Iambia
- IAmNoOne
- IAmTheShadow
- Ianva
- IC434
- Iceage
- Icon of Coil
- Icy Men
- Idlefon
- Ien Oblique
- Ikon
- Illegal Trade
- Illuminate
- Images In Vogue
- Imatem
- Imbolg
- ImJudas
- Imminent
- Imminent / Synapscape
- Immunology
- Impakt!
- Imperative Reaction
- Implant
- In Auroram
- In Extremo
- In Gowan Ring
- In Letter Form
- In My Rosary
- In Ruins
- In Slaughter Natives
- In Strict Confidence
- In The Nursery
- In This Moment
- Inade
- Inanis Yoake
- Incirrina
- Incite/
- Incubite
- Indarra
- Individual Totem
- Inertia
- Informatik
- Information Society
- Inkubus Sukkubus
- Instant Lake
- Intent:Outtake
- Interface
- Interlace
- Inure
- Invalid, The
- Invincible Spirit, The
- Invisible Ballet
- Invoke the Insult
- Ionic Vision
- Ionosphere
- Irfan
- Iridio
- Iris
- Irislight
- Iron Sky
- Ish
- Isis Signum
- Isolated Youth
- Ison
- Iurta
- Ivardensphere
- J:Dead
- Jack Dangers
- Jack Or Jive
- Jackson Vanhorn
- Jager 90
- James Bernard
- James Ray & The Performance
- James Rivera's Metal Wave
- Jarboe
- Jason Alacrity
- Jason Priest
- Je T'Aime
- Jean Michel Jarre
- Jean-Marc Lederman Experience
- Jeff Clark's
- Jeff Grace
- Jeff Greinke
- Jeffrey Koepper
- Jenn Vix and Dirk Ivens
- Jeremy Inkel
- Jerome Chassagnard
- Jerry Goldsmith
- Jesus and Mary Chain, The
- JH1.FS3
- Jill Tracy
- Jim Manzie
- Joachim Witt
- Joe Renzetti
- Johan Baeckstrom
- Johann Johannsson
- Johannes Berthold
- John Barry
- John Carpenter
- John Foxx
- John Foxx and the Maths
- John Harrison
- John Williams
- Johnny Marr
- Johnny Osbourne
- Joseph LoDuca
- Jovana
- Joy / Disaster
- Joy Disaster
- Joy Division
- Joy Thieves, The
- Judgement of Paris
- Juggernauts, The
- Julien K
- Junksista
- Juno Reactor
- Jupiter Jane
- Jyrki 69
- K-Bereit
- K.S.K.N.P.
- Kadeadkas
- Kaelan Mikla
- Kalte Nacht
- Kammarheit
- Kanka Bodewell
- Kant Kino
- Kapitalet
- Karin Hoghielm
- Karjalan Sissit
- Karl Bartos
- Karl Kave
- Karl Thesing
- Karma Voyage
- Karsten Pflum
- Kat Von D
- Kate Bush
- Katzenjammer Kabaret
- Katzkab
- Kauan
- Kave
- Keef Baker
- Keening
- Keiji Haino, Jim O'Rourke & Oren Ambarchi
- Keith Emerson
- Keith Hudson
- KEN Mode
- Kenji Kawai
- Kennelklubben
- Kevorkian Death Cycle
- Kholodniy Zvonok
- Kiberspassk
- Kid 606
- Kid Moxie
- Kill Shelter
- Killing Joke
- King Crimson
- King Dude
- King Dude & Der Blutharsch
- King Tubby
- Kinit Her
- Kirlian Camera
- Kiss Of The Whip
- Kite
- Klankdal
- Klaus Schulze
- Klaus Schulze / Lisa Gerrard
- Klaus Wiese
- Kloq
- Kluster
- Klutae
- Knife, The
- KnK
- Kommando
- Komrads
- Konami Digital Entertainment
- Konami Kukeiha Club
- Kontrast
- Kontravoid
- Konzept
- Korperwelten
- Korpses Katatonik
- Korpsesoturi
- Kosmonaute
- Kraftman
- Kraftwerk
- Kramm
- Krayenzeit
- Kreng
- Kriminal Minds
- Kristoffer Nystroms Orkester
- Kristoffer Oustad
- Krypteria
- Krystal System
- Kurs
- Kyle Dixon & Michael Stein
- L'Ame Immortelle
- L'ombre
- La Machine
- La Mecanique
- La Merde
- La Muerte
- La Scaltra
- Lacrimosa
- Lacuna Coil
- Ladytron
- Laibach
- Laika
- Lamia
- Lamia Vox
- Lana Del Rey
- Larva
- Lassigue Bendthaus
- Last Dance, The
- Last Days of S.E.X.
- Last Dominion Lost
- Law-Rah Collective, The
- Le Syndicat Electronique
- Lead Into Gold
- Leaether Strip
- Leathers
- Lebanon Hanover
- Lederman De Meyer
- Lee "Scratch" Perry
- Lee Chubby King
- Legacy of Music
- Legend
- Legendary Pink Dots
- Lejana
- Lendi Vexer
- Leroy Se Meurt
- Les Chasseurs De La Nuit
- Les Joyaux De La Princesse
- Lescure 13
- Lethian Dreams
- Letten 94
- Letum
- Letzte Instanz
- Level 2.0
- Liaisons Dangereuses
- Liar's Rosebush
- Libra
- Liebknecht
- Life Cried
- Lights of Euphoria
- Lille Roger
- Lindemann
- Lingouf
- Lingua Ignota
- Linval Thompson
- Liquid Divine
- Liquid G.
- Liquid Newt & Frank M. Spinath
- Liquid Trauma
- Lisa Gerrard
- Lisa Gerrard & Cye Wood
- Lisa Gerrard & Jules Maxwell
- Lisa Gerrard & Marcello De Francisci
- Lisa Hammer
- Liv Kristine
- LivingTotem
- Lizard Pool
- Ljungblut
- Llumen
- Logic + Olivia
- Logical Tears
- Lola Angst
- Lola Kumptus
- London After Midnight
- Long Night, The
- Lord Of The Lost
- Lords of Acid
- Loreena McKennitt
- Lorelei Dreaming
- Lorelei K
- Loren Nerell
- Loscil
- Lost Messages
- Lotus Feed
- Love & Rockets
- Love Is Colder Than Death
- Love Lies Bleeding
- Love Spirals Downwards
- Lovelorn Dolls
- Lovesliescrushing
- Lovespirals
- Lowe
- Lucia Cifarelli
- Lucifer
- Lucifer's Aid
- Lucus
- Lucy Kruger & The Lost Boys
- Ludovico Technique
- Lull
- Luna 13
- Lunascape
- Lush
- Lusine
- Lusine Icl
- Lust for Youth
- Lust Syndicate
- Lustmord
- Lux Interna
- Luzmelt
- Lycia
- Lycosia
- Lydia Lunch
- Lys Morke
- M!R!M
- M.B.
- M73
- Machinista
- Maedon
- Magenta
- Magic Wands
- Magik Brite
- Makaras Pen
- Malaria!
- Male Tears
- Manifestation of Baba Bazooba
- Manson Family, The
- Mantus
- Manuel De Sica
- Manufactura
- Marble Slave
- Marc Almond
- Marc Streitenfeld
- March Violets, The
- Mari Chrome
- Marilyn Manson
- Mark E. Moon
- Mark Seelig
- Marrow Voltage
- Marsheaux
- Martial Canterel
- Martin Gore
- Martin Rev
- Martyria
- Mary
- Masamichi Amano
- Maschinenkrieger KR52
- Maschinenkrieger KR52 vs. Disraptor
- Maschinenzimmer 412
- Masonna
- Mass Hysteria
- Mass X-Odus
- Massive Attack
- Massive Ego
- Matter
- Maurice Jarre
- Maurizio Guarini
- Max Durante
- Max Richter
- Mayflower Madame
- Mc1r
- Me The Tiger
- Meat Beat Manifesto
- Mecca Normal
- Mechanical Moth
- Mechatronic
- Mediaeval Baebes
- Megaherz
- Megaptera
- Mekanik Disorder
- Mekong
- Melodyguild
- Melotron
- Melt
- Membranes, The
- Memmaker
- Men, The
- Menschdefekt
- Mentallo & The Fixer
- Menticide
- Mephisto Walz
- Merciful Nuns
- Mercury's Antennae
- Merzbow
- Merzbow & GP Orridge
- Merzbow / Lawrence English
- Mesh
- Mestre
- Meta Meat
- Metroland
- Michael Cashmore
- Michael Giacchino
- Michael Idehall
- Michael Stearns
- Mick Harris & Martyn Bates
- Midnight Computers, The
- Midnight Configuration
- Midnight Syndicate
- Midori Takada
- Mika Vainio
- Mike Vanportfleet
- Mike Vickers
- Mildreda
- Militia
- Mind.In.A.Box
- Mindless Self Indulgence
- Ministry
- Minuit Machine
- Mira
- Mirabilis
- Mirland
- MirlandLarsen
- Mirror
- Mirrors
- Miseria Ultima
- Miss Construction
- Missing In Stars
- Mission, The
- Mlada Fronta
- Mnemonic
- Mobile Homes
- Moby
- Model1
- Modern Cubism
- Modern English
- Modulate
- Molchat Doma
- Moljebka Pvlse
- Mona Mur
- Mona Mur & En Esch
- Mondtraume
- Mono Inc.
- Mono No Aware
- Monocube
- Monographic
- Monolith
- Monstergod
- Monya
- Moon and the Nightspirit, The
- Moonspell
- Moral Order
- Mordacious
- Morgue Ensemble
- Morgue Poetry
- Moribund 13 AD
- Moris Blak
- Morlocks
- Morphose
- Morricone Youth
- Morrissey
- Mort Garson
- Morthem Vlade Art
- Morthound
- Mothboy
- Motor!k
- Movie Camera
- Moving Units
- MS Gentur
- Mueran Humanos
- Muet
- Muhd
- Mulm
- Murder of Angels, A
- Muslimgauze
- Muur
- My Bloody Valentine
- My Life With The Thrill Kill Kult
- My Love Kills
- MZ.412
- N-Frequency
- Nachtmahr
- Nadja
- Naked Raygun
- Nano Infect
- Nash The Slash
- Naut
- Navicon Torture Technologies
- Navigator Project
- Near Earth Orbit
- Nebulo
- Necessary Response
- Necrophorus
- Need For Speed
- Negant
- Negative Format
- Negru Voda
- Neikka RPM
- Neil Gaiman
- Neila Invo
- Nena
- Nena & Heppner
- Nent, The
- Neon Judgement
- Neonpocalypse
- Neotek
- Nero Bellum
- NerOgris
- Neu!
- Neun Welten
- Neuroactive
- Neuroklast
- Neuropa
- Neuroticfish
- Neutral
- Neuvision
- New Arctic, The
- New Blockaders, The
- New Division, The
- New Frames
- New Haunts
- New Order
- New Risen Throne
- New Years Day
- Nexus VI
- Nick Cave / Warren Ellis
- Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds
- Nico
- Night Laser
- Night Nail
- Night Train To Nowhere
- Nightmares On Wax
- Nightwish
- Nimon
- Nina Belief
- Nine Inch Nails
- Nite
- Nitronoise
- Nitzer Ebb
- Nloolyn:Lynch
- No Comment
- No More
- No Trust In Dawn
- Noblesse Oblige
- Nocturnal Projections
- Nodding God
- Noir
- Noise of Art, The
- Noise Unit
- Noisuf-X
- Noisy Deafness
- Nolongerhuman
- Non
- Nordvargr
- Nordvargr & Trepaneringsritualen
- Norio Hanzawa
- Norma Loy
- Normal, The
- Noromakina
- Northaunt
- Nosferatu
- Not My God
- Not Ordinary Dead [NODe]
- November Novelet
- Novo
- Novocibirsk
- Nox Novacula
- Noyce TM
- Nttx
- Nul Telexes
- Null Device
- Nullvektor
- Numb
- Nuovo Testamento
- Nuquatron
- Nurnberg
- Nurse With Wound
- Nurse With Wound / Graham Bowers
- NZ
- O Saala Sakraal
- O Yuki Conjugate
- O. Children
- Oberer Totpunkt
- Object
- Obszon Geschopf
- Of The Wand And The Moon
- Offerbeest
- Ohgr
- Ohm
- Ohnen Namen
- Oil 10
- ojeRum
- Oldschool Union
- Olivier Orand
- OMD (Orchestral Manoeuvres in the Dark)
- Omnia
- On The Floor
- Ontal
- Onus
- Oomph!
- Opera Multi Steel
- Operating Tracks
- Orange Sector
- Orb, The
- Order Of The Static Temple
- Order89
- Ordo Equilibrio
- Ordo Rosarius Equilibrio
- Oren Ambarchi
- Organic
- Organic Cage
- Orgy
- Orphx
- Orplid
- Ost+Front
- Ostara
- Otavan Veret
- Other Voices
- Othila
- Oubys
- Our Banshee
- Oureboros
- Out of Norm
- Out Out
- Overlookers, The
- OvO
- Pablo & Paula
- Pacal Savy
- Page
- Pailhead
- Pain Machinery, The
- Palais Ideal
- Pale
- Pam Risourie
- Pan Sonic
- Pandoria
- Panic Lift
- Panic Priest
- Pankow
- Panoramics
- Paper Road, The
- Parade Ground
- Paradox Obscur
- Paralysed Age
- Paralyzzer
- Paranoid
- Parasomnia
- Parhelion
- Parking Dance
- Parralox
- Parzival
- Pas de Deux
- Patenbrigade: Wolff
- Patrick Doyle
- Patrick Rodgers
- Paul Giovanni and Gary Carpenter
- Paul Kalkbrenner
- Paul Zaza
- Paulina Cassidy
- Paura Diamante
- Pavla Mikulasova
- Pavor Nocturnus
- Penetration
- Peoples Republic of Europe, The
- Perry Botkin
- Persephone
- Perturbator
- Pet Shop Boys
- Peter Andersson
- Peter Bjargo
- Peter Bjargo & Gustaf Hildebrand
- Peter Christopherson
- Peter Crane
- Peter Hook
- Peter Murphy
- Peter Ulrich
- Phaenon
- Pharmakon
- Phasenmensch
- Phelios
- Phil Western
- Philip Glass
- Philipp Munch
- Philipp Munch & Loss
- Phosgore
- Phragments
- Phurpa
- Pierce With Arrow
- Pig
- Pigface
- Pindrops
- Pink Turns Blue
- Pino Donaggio
- Piston Damp
- Placebo
- Plague Pits
- Plasmodivm
- Plastic Estate
- Plastic Noise Experience
- Plastikstrom
- Plastique Noir
- Plateau
- Pleasure Symbols
- Ploho
- Plomb
- Pod Blotz
- Poison Point
- Police Des Moeurs
- Polyverso
- Pop Group, The
- Pop Will Eat Itself
- Pop. 1280
- Popol Vuh
- Poptone
- Port Said
- Portion Control
- Portishead
- Position Baby Doll
- Position Parallele
- Poupee Electriques
- Pouppee Fabrikk
- Pow[d]er Pussy
- Prager Handgriff
- PreEmptive Strike 0.1
- Presence Of Mind
- Present Moment, The
- Pride And Fall
- Priest
- Primitive Evolution, A
- Primitive Race
- Prince Jammy
- Principe Valiente
- Private World
- Pro Patria
- Pro-Activ
- Prodigy
- Project Pitchfork
- Project TrES-2b
- Project X
- Projection, A
- Projekt 26
- Prometheus Flame
- Protectorate
- Proyecto Mirage
- Prude
- Prurient
- Pseudokrupp Project
- Psy'aviah
- Psy'aviah feat. Ayria
- Psyborg Corp
- Psyche
- Psychic Force, The
- Psychic TV
- Psychopomps
- Psyclon Nine
- Puissance
- Pulsations
- Punch Drunk
- Punto Omega
- Pure Ground
- Push Button Press
- Pylar
- Q
- RA
- Rabia Sorda
- Raderkraft
- Radioaktivists
- Radiohead
- Rafael Anton Irisarri
- Raggedy Angry
- Rago & Farina VS. Italoconnection
- Rain To Rust
- Rain Within, The
- Raison D'etre
- Rajna
- Ralph Jones
- Rammstein
- Randolph & Mortimer
- Randy Greif
- Rapoon
- Raskolnikov
- Rasputeen
- Rasputina
- Rave The Reqviem
- Ravenous
- Razed In Black
- Razorfade
- Reakton
- Reaper
- Reaxion Guerilla
- Rebirth
- Recall IV
- Recfrag
- Reconverb
- Rector Scanner
- Red Cell
- Red Industrie
- Red Lokust
- Red Lorry Yellow Lorry
- Red Mishima
- Reflection Black
- Reformed Faction
- Reichsfeind
- Rein[Forced]
- Reliant
- Ren Toner & Shan Moue
- Renard
- Reptilicus
- Reptilicus & The Hafler Trio
- Reptyle
- Residents, The
- Resistor
- Restricted Area
- Retrosic
- Revolting Cocks
- Revolutionary Army of the Infant Jesus
- Revue Noir
- Rezillos, The
- Rhesus Factor
- Rhombus
- Rhys Fulber
- Richard Band
- Richard Chartier
- Richard Pinhas
- Rick Wakeman
- Riki
- Rina Pavar
- Riotmiloo & Friends
- Rising Shadows
- Risk Risk
- Ritualz
- Riz Ortolani
- Rob Zombie
- Rob(u)rang & Friends
- Robert Gorl
- Robert Rich
- Robert Rich / Steve Roach
- Robert W. Chambers/Maurizio Guarini
- Roberto Nicolosi
- Robin Guthrie
- Robin Rimbaud
- Robotiko Rejekto
- Roedelius
- Rohn + Lederman
- Roma Amor
- Rome
- Rootsman, The
- Rope, The
- Rorschach Garden, The
- Rosegarden Funeral Party
- Rosetta Stone
- Rosi
- Rotersand
- Rotoskop
- Roxy Epoxy and the Rebound
- Rozz Williams
- Rroyce
- Rue Oberkampf
- Ruinizer
- Rummelsnuff
- Run Level Zero
- Ryoji Ikeda
- Ryuichi Sakamoto + Taylor Deupree
- S.E.T.I.
- S.I.N.A
- S.K.E.T.
- S.P.O.C.K.
- S/he
- Saáadon
- Sacred Skin
- Saigon Blue Rain
- Saint Paul, The
- Saltillo
- Sam
- Sam Rosenthal
- Sam Rosenthal / Nick Shadow / Steve Roach
- Samhain
- Samsas Traum
- Sanctum
- Santa Hates You
- Saturmzlide
- Saverio Evangelista
- Scandinavian Cock
- Scapa Flow
- Scaremeister
- Schachtanlage Gegenort
- Schallfaktor
- Schattenkinder
- Schattenmann
- Scheuber
- Schiller
- Schonwald
- Schrodinger
- Schuldt
- Schwarzblut
- Schwarzer Engel
- Schwarzer Schnee
- Schyzzo.Com
- Scientist
- Scooter
- Scrap.edx
- Screams For Tina
- SD6
- Seabound
- Seadrake
- Seatemples
- Seaworthy
- Second Complex
- Second Nature
- Second Still
- Secret French Postcards, The
- Sector One
- Seefeel
- Seer
- Sektor 304
- Selfishadows
- Selofan
- Sensor
- Sequential Access
- Seraphim System
- Serena Gabriel
- Seven Knives
- Seven Trees
- Severed Heads
- Sewer Goddess
- Sexblood
- Sexorcist, The
- Shad Shadows
- Shadow Project
- Shadowhouse
- Shdws
- She Hates Emotions
- She Past Away
- She Pleasures Herself
- She Spread Sorrow
- Shibalba
- Shift
- Shinjuku Thief
- Shinkiro
- Shiv-r
- Shock Frontier
- Shock Therapy
- Shorai
- Shrine
- Shrouds
- Siamgda
- Siberia
- Sieben
- Sigillum S
- Siglo XX
- Sigma Octantis
- Signal Aout 42
- Signal~Bruit
- Sigur Ros
- Silent Noise Revolution
- Silent Runners
- Silent Star
- Silicon Scientist, The
- Silk Saw
- Silver Walks
- Simon Dreams In Violet
- Sin DNA
- Sinestar
- Sinke Dus
- Siouxsie
- Siouxsie & The Banshees
- Sirus
- Sister Machine Gun
- Sisterhood, The
- Sisters Of Mercy, The
- Siva Six
- Sjoblom
- Skeleton Hands
- Skemer
- Skin Area
- Skinny Puppy
- Skold
- Skorbut
- Skubut
- Skyla Vertex
- Sleep Research Facility
- Sleepthief
- Sleepwalk
- Slick Idiot
- Slovak National Symphony Orchestra
- Slowdive
- Sly & Robbie
- Smiths, The
- SN-A
- Snakeskin
- Sneaker Pimps
- Snog
- Snowy Red
- Social Station
- Soft Kill
- Soft Moon, The
- Soft Vein
- Soil Bleeds Black, The
- Soisong
- Sol Invictus
- Solanaceae
- Solar Fake
- Solar Fields
- Solitary Experiments
- Solo Ansamblis
- Solveig Matthildur
- Soman
- Somatic Responses
- Sonar
- Sonic Area
- Sonne Hagal
- Sonoio
- Sophia
- Sopor Aeternus & the Ensemble of Shadows
- Soriah (with Ashkelon Sain)
- Soror Dolorosa
- Sorry, Heels
- Soul Whirling Somewhere
- Spahn Ranch
- Spark!
- Specimen
- Spectra Paris
- Spectre Featuring Sensational
- Spectres
- Speed Injektion
- Spell Inside, A
- Spetsnaz
- SPF 1000
- Sphare Sechs
- Spherical Disrupted
- Spice
- Spider Lilies
- Spiritual Bat, The
- Spiritual Front
- Squid Lid
- Stabbing Westward
- Staer
- Stahlfrequenz
- Stahlmann
- Stahlnebel & Black Selket
- Stalingrad
- Stalingrad Valkyrie
- Standalone
- Star Crusaders
- Star Industry
- Star Trek
- Starfish Pool
- Stars of the Lid, The
- Stars Without Light
- State Of The Union
- Static Movement
- Station Echo
- Statiqbloom
- Staubkind
- Steel Hook Prostheses
- Steinkind
- Stella Sleeps
- Stendal Blast
- Stephen Mallinder
- Stephen O'Malley
- Steve Reich
- Steve Roach
- Steve Roach & Bryon Metcalf
- Steve Roach & Vidna Obmana
- Steve Roach / Dirk Serries
- Steve Roach / Jeffrey Fayman
- Steven Stapleton
- Still Corners
- Still Patient?
- Stille Volk
- Stillste Stund
- Stin Scatzor
- Stoa
- Stoneburner
- Straftanz
- Strange As Angels
- Strange Boutique
- Stranger and Lovers
- Stratosphere
- Stratvm Terror
- Stray
- Stridulum
- Strike Under
- STROM.ec
- Stromkern
- Struck9
- Strvngers
- Studio-X
- Sub Luna
- Subheim
- Subliminal Code
- Subskan
- Substaat
- Subterfuge
- Subverge
- Subway To Sally
- Sudden Infant
- Suicidal Romance
- Suicide
- Suicide Booth
- Suicide Commando
- Suicide Queen
- Sum of R
- Sun's Signature
- Sunshine Blind
- Super Besse
- Super Heroines
- Supersimmetria
- Supreme Court
- Surgical Meth Machine
- Surgyn
- Survive
- Susan Justin
- Sutekh Hexen
- Svartsinn
- Sven Vath
- Swans
- Sweet Ermengarde
- Sweet Kill, The
- Sweet William
- Sweet Williams
- Switchblade Symphony
- Sydney Valette
- Sylvester McCoy & The Bleak December Players
- Sylvgheist Maelstrom
- Synapscape
- Synapsyche
- Syntec
- Synth-Etik
- System Syn
- Syzygyx
- T.O.Y.
- Tactical Sekt
- Takeshi Furukawa
- Talk Talk
- Talk To Her
- Talvekoidik
- Tamtrum
- Tangent
- Tangent Strategy
- Tangerine Dream
- Tanks And Tears
- Tanzwut
- Tapage
- Taphephobia
- Tapping The Vein
- Tara VanFlower
- Tashaki Miyaki
- Taylor Swift
- TC75
- Tear Garden, The
- Tearwave
- Techniques Berlin
- Technoir
- Technolorgy
- Teeth Engraved
- Tehom
- Teknovore
- Telepherique
- Telerotor
- Teleskop
- Tempers
- Temple
- Templer
- Tenderlash
- Tenek
- Terence Fixmer
- Terminal
- Terminal 11
- Terra Sancta
- Terrolokaust
- Terrorfakt
- Test Dept.
- Thanatos
- The The
- Theatre of Tragedy
- Thee Hyphen
- Thee Maldoror Kollective
- Them Are Us Too
- Then Came The Rain
- Then Comes Silence
- Theo Travis & Robert Fripp
- Theodor Bastard
- They Die
- Third Realm
- This Cold Night
- This Immortal Coil
- This Morn' Omina
- This Mortal Coil
- Tholen
- Thomas Leer
- Thorofon
- Thought Forms
- ThouShaltNot
- Threshold Houseboys Choir, The
- Throbbing Gristle
- Thymian
- Tim Hecker
- Tim Story
- Tineidae
- To Avoid
- To Travel Without Any Certain Destination
- Tobias Bernstrup
- Tobias Lilja
- Tom Holkenborg
- Tommi Stumpff
- Tommy '86
- Tomohiko Sagae
- Tony Todd & Bleak December
- Tony Wakeford
- Too Dead To Die
- Tor Lundvall
- Tori Amos
- Torul
- Totakeke
- Totem Obscura vs. Acylum
- Toto
- Tourdeforce
- Toxic Coma
- Trackologists
- Trade Secrets
- Tragedy of Mine
- Tragic Impulse
- Tragic Pulse
- Traitrs
- Trakktor
- Trance To The Moon
- Trance To The Sun
- Trash Deity
- Trauma
- Treha Sektori
- Trent Reznor and Atticus Ross
- Trepaneringsritualen
- Triangular Ascension
- Trigger10d
- Triple Tree, The
- Trisomie 21
- Trobar de Morte
- Troum
- True Faith
- Trust
- Trust Obey
- Tumor
- Twice A Man
- Twilight Garden, The
- Twilight Ritual
- Twin Tribes
- Twins In Fear
- Tying Tiffany
- Typherus
- Tyske Ludder
- Tzolk'in
- U-Tek
- Uberbyte
- UK Decay
- Ultimate Dreamers. The
- Ultra Sunn
- Ultravox
- Ulver
- Ulvtharm
- Umberto
- Umbra Et Imago
- Umo Detic
- Unborn, The
- Undertheskin
- Underviewer
- Underworld
- Undirheimar
- Unheilig
- Unidentified Man
- Unisonlab
- Unitary
- Unitcode:Machine
- Unroyal
- Unter Null
- Unterschicht
- Unto Ashes
- Untoten
- Unusual Architecture
- Unzucht
- Upsetters, The (Lee Perry)
- Uranium USSR 1972
- Urban Heat
- Urceus Exit
- UV Pop
- V01D
- V2A
- Vacant Lots, The
- Vague Lanes
- Valentina Moretti
- Valhall
- Van Bloomen
- Vangelis
- Vanguard
- Vaniish
- Vargr
- Varsovie
- Varunna
- Vaselyne
- Veiila
- Veil Of Light
- Veil Veil Vanish
- Velvet Acid Christ
- Velvet Underground, The
- Velvet Vega
- Venal Flesh
- Venetian Snares
- Vestigial
- Vexagon
- Victor Love
- Video Diva
- Videosex
- Videotraum
- Vidna Obmana
- Villions, The
- Violator
- Violent Youth, The
- Violet
- Violet Tears
- Vipermilk
- Virgin Prunes
- Virgins O.R Pigeons
- Visage
- Viscera Drip
- Visceral Anatomy
- Vision Video
- Visions
- Visions In Clouds
- Vndl
- VNV Nation
- Void Kampf
- Volkova
- Volt 9000
- Vomito Negro
- Vortex
- Vox Celesta
- Voyna
- Voyou
- VR Sex
- Vrimuot
- Vromb
- Various Artists
- W.A.S.T.E.
- W424
- Wake, The
- Walk Onto Sun
- Walking Icon, The
- Walter Wegmuller
- Warsaw
- Wavefall
- We The North
- Weathermen, The
- Weep
- Welle a.
- Welle:Erdball
- Weltschmerz
- Werner Karloff
- Western, Creed, Spybey
- Wet Nurse & Ten Thousand Miles of Arteries
- Wetware
- When In Rome
- Whispering Sons
- Whispers in the Shadow
- White Birches
- White Door
- Whitehorse
- Wieloryb
- William S. Burroughs
- William S. Burroughs and Brion Gysin
- Winged Victory for the Sullen, A
- Wingtips
- Winter Severity Index
- Winterkalte
- Wire Spine
- Wires & Lights
- Wisborg
- Within Temptation
- Wolfenmond
- Wolfsheim
- Wolfskin
- Wonderland Philharmonic, The
- Worms of the Earth
- Wrangler
- Wulfband
- Wumpscut
- Wynardtage
- X
- Y
- Z
- Books, Comics & Magazines
- Buttons, Stickers & Patches
- Sale Items
- Soundtracks & Scores
- Used
- Vinyl
- Long Deleted Warehouse Finds
- Brands
- About Us
Welcome to our Store!
IsoTank Music Mailorder is a service for music lovers, owned and operated by music lovers. Many other mailorder services have limited or no phone availability, do not allow in-person visits and offer only a PO box for contact. We are available 7 days a week by phone, fax or email to answer your questions, check on your orders, or give advice on great music you have yet to hear. We also welcome and encourage in-person visits by our customers, 361 days a year. Pay us a visit and let us play some new tracks for you. For over a decade, our retail store has been a vibrant and active part of our local music community, as well as being nationally known as one of the best shops of its kind in the country. We want to be easy for our customers to find, and as such we have never used a PO Box.
We are a specialty shop that stocks a focused yet diverse array of alternative music genres, including gothic, industrial, synthpop, medieval, metal, trip-hop, visual rock/J-pop, world, noise, IDM, 80s, ethereal, deathrock, and related styles. We carry all types of releases, from US albums by major labels to obscure import singles from tiny foreign labels. We sell CDs, vinyl, VHS, DVD, shirts, magazines, box sets, stickers, books, patches, buttons, and more.
We compile a newsletter roughly every three weeks which is sent free to anyone who requests it, whether they order from our music service or not. This newsletter is sent by email and contains information on all items added to our database during the previous two weeks. It is a great source of information and a helpful resource to any music lover.
Even though our staff of music fans constitutes an amazing collection of music knowledge and passion, we know that we don’t know everything. That’s why we regularly attend club nights, go to concerts, read music magazines, and buy a lot of music. We love to hear from our customers about what they’re listening to. If there is something we’re not carrying that you think we should be stocking, please let us know.
We hope that you will take advantage of our mailorder service and will give us the opportunity to serve all of your music needs. We believe that our wide selection, competitive pricing, and unmatched service and availability make us the leading music service of our kind in the country and invite you to give us a try. Thank you for reading about us. We hope to hear from you soon.
IsoTank Music Mailorder is not affiliated with Isolation Tank, Inc. - Info
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Some limited edition items, fragile items, and any event tickets, must be shipped with a tracking number (UPS or USPS with tracking). Such items will be clearly noted in their description text. If instructions are disregarded and a non-trackable shipping method is chosen, the shipping method will automatically be switched to a trackable shipping method (usually UPS Ground).
All orders are securely packaged and it is very rare that orders are damaged or lost. We are not responsible for any damage to or loss of your package; damage or loss is the responsibility of the shipping company (usually UPS or the United States Postal Service). We will be happy to provide you with any information helpful in pursuing this matter with the shipping company (e.g. tracking number for UPS items, receipt of mailing for USPS items, etc.) but loss/damage is strictly their responsibility.
In general, we recommend shipping via UPS Ground. It is more expensive, but your package is automatically insured, has a tracking number, and is delivered on a specific schedule. For example, orders being shipped by UPS Ground will be delivered overnight to NJ, DE, MD, DC, NYC and most of PA, VA, CT and NY. Please refer to the map below for more information. Note that the UPS map shows delivery times in business days (i.e. excluding Saturday and Sunday) and begins from the day we ship your order.Shop with Confidence
We never make our customer list available to outside companies. However, we do occasionally mail postcards with event or new release announcements to our customers. We will sometimes send email to alert customers to new releases based on purchases they previously made. If you would prefer not to receive such communication from us, please contact us and let us know and we will take the appropriate steps to ensure that you are not bothered.
Our site employs a variety of security measures to protect your data, including restricted data floor access, multiple power source backups, advanced security monitoring, full HTTPS/SSL support, secure HTTPS/SSL administrative access, and password-protected administrative access.
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